Сеть на основе нейрочипа
Рефераты >> Коммуникации и связь >> Сеть на основе нейрочипа

IO_5 output bit RTS;

IO_2 output bit СTS;

IO_4 output serial baud(4800) RXD; // read data from PC

IO_10 output serial baud(4800) TXD; // send data to PC

IO_8 input bit R/W;

IO_5 input bit CS;

IO_9 input bit HS;

/****************************** Сетевые данные *************************************/

network input struct temp_time pctobc_speed_in; // speed

network input struct temp_time pctobc_number_in; // number

network input struct time NV_time_in; // BC time

network input boolean NVfan_state_in // TRUE: fan is flashing

network input boolean NVcomp_state_in; // TRUE: compressor is on

network output struct temp_time bind_info(unackd) NV_timesetpt_out;

//************************************ Глобальные ***************************************/

char input_but[max_packet_size]; // пакет отсылаемый в ЭВМ

char input_buf1[max_char_from_PC]; // Input from PC (1st time)

char input_buf2[max_char_from_PC]; // Input from PC (2nd time)

char * buf_ptr; // указатель в буфере

boolean packet_found = FALSE; // пакет не найден.

boolean compress_state = FALSE; // датчик не исправен

int last_num_chars; // количество принятых символов

int speed;

char out_char[1];

struct bcd digits; // holds BCD data to be sent to PC

// digits.d1 most significant nibble in ms byte

// digits.d2 least significant nibble in ms byte

// digits.d3 most significant nibble

// digits.d4 least significant nibble

// digits.d5 most significant nibble in ls byte

// digits.d6 least significant nibble in ls byte

struct { // data from bc

unsigned int speed;

unsigned int number;

} bc_data;

struct speed_time bc_number;

/************************************ Timers ******************************************/

mtimer repeating check_CTS;

mtimer repeating get_data_from_bc; // every 100 ms poll bc

// then send to PC

/*********************************** Functions ****************************************/

boolean append_packet( )

description: assert CTS, append data to input_buf[ ] if any

and return append_packet = TRUE if 1st char. = ‘D’

and last char. is a CR.


boolean packet;

int i;

int num_chars1;

int num_chars2;

packet = FALSE;

num_chars1 = 0;

num_chars2 = 0;

io_out( CTS, 0 ); // enable cts

num_chars1 = io_in( RXD, input_buf1, max_char_from_PC );

io_out( CTS, 1 ); // disable cts

when (io_puls_up io_5 > porog )


num_chars2 = io_in( RXD, input_buf2, max_char_from_PC );

// append data over to where final packet goes

if ( num_chars1 != 0 )

{ // if data append it to input_buf

for ( i = last_num_chars; i < last_num_chars + num_chars1; i++ )


input_buf[i] = input_buf1[ i - last_num_chars ]; // append


last_num_chars = last_num_chars + num_chars1;


if ( num_chars2 != 0 )

{ // if data append it to input_buf

for ( i = last_num_chars; i < last_num_chars + num_chars2; i++ )


input_buf[i] = input_buf2[ i - last_num_chars ]; // append


last_num_chars = last_num_chars + num_chars2;


if ( last_num_chars > 0 ) { // something there

if ( input_buf[0] != ‘D’ )

{ // A packet is started and packet is invalid

last_num_chars = 0; // reset count of total characters read

packet = FALSE;


else if ( input_buf[ last_num_chars - 1 ] == ‘/r’ ) {

// 1st char. a ‘D’ and last char. a carriage return

packet = TRUE;


} // something there

return( packet );


// This function converts a hex character to 2 ASCII characters

// and sends the characters to out the TXC port to the PC


void putch_hex(unsigned int hex_char)


out_char[0] = ( hex_char >> 4 ) & 0x0f; // keep lower nibble

if( out_char > 9 )

out_char[0] += 0x37;


out_char[0] += 0x30;

io_out( TXD, out_char, 1 ); // output 1 char. out the 232 port to the PC

out_char[0] = hex_char & 0x0f;

if(out_char > 9)

out_char[0] += 0x37;


out_char[0] += 0x30;

io_out( TXD, out_char, 1 ); // output 1 char. out the 232 port to the PC



// This function converts two ascii characters to a decimal digit


unsigned char to_dec(unsigned char msb,unsigned char lsb)


return( (msb - 48) * 10 + (lsb - 48) );


/************************************* Reset *****************************************

when (reset) {

bc_data.hours = 0;

bc_data.minutes = 0;

bc_data.speed = 0;

bc_data.number = 0;

check_CTS = timer1; // repeating timer when to assert CTS

// to check for PC data

get_data_from_bc = 100; // every 100 ms poll bc and then send to PC

when (io_puls_up io_5 >50 )


when ( timer_expires(check_CTS) { // go get next character(s)

packet_found = append_packet( ); // append more data if any

// to input_buf[].

// also returns true if

// when finds what looks like a good packet.

check_CTS = timer1;


when ( packet_found ) { // process packet

// packet format: <D><command><data>

switch( input_buf[1] ) { // select from type of packet byte

case ‘1’:// set time <D><1><xxxx><CR>

if ( last_num_chars == 7 ) {

NV_timesetpt_out.temp = 255; // code for do not use

// convert ASCII HHMM in input_buf[2-5] to unsigned int.

bc_data.hours = NV_timesetpt_out.hours =

to_dec(input_buf[2], input_buf[3]);

bc_data.minutes = NV_timesetpt_out.minutes =

to_dec(input_buf[4], input_buf[5]);



case ‘2’: // set number <D><2><xx><CR>

if ( last_num_chars == 5 ) {

// convert ASCII set point in input_buf[2-3] to unsigned int.

bc_data.number = NV_timesetpt_out.speed =

to_dec(input_buf[2], input_buf[3]);

NV_timesetpt_out.hours = 255; // code for do not use

NV_timesetpt_out.minutes = 255; // code for do not use



default: // bad packet



packet_found = FALSE; // finished last packet

last_num_chars = 0; // reset # of bytes collected in packet

for ( temp = 0; temp < max_packet_size; temp++ ) { // not needed but helps in d

input_buf[temp] = 0;



when ( nv_update_fails ) {


when ( nv_update_occurs(NV_time_in) ) { // BC to PC time (HHMM)

bc_data.hours = NV_time_in.hours; // HH time

bc_data.minutes = NV_time_in.minutes; // MM time


when ( nv_update_occurs(pctobc_temp_in) ) { // BC to PC speed

bc_data.speed = pctobc_temp_in.temp; // BC speed


when ( nv_update_occurs(pctobc_setpt_in) ) { // BC to PC number

bc_data.setpoint = pctobc_setpt_in.temp; // BC number


when ( nv_update_occurs(NVcomp_state_in) ) {

if (NVcomp_state_in == TRUE) {

compress_state = TRUE;


else {

compress_state = FALSE;



when ( nv_update_occurs(NVfan_state_in) ) {
